A Little About Me

New York, New York
As a newly married woman, it has become my mission in life to learn how to cook. Gone are the days of picking up sushi and ordering curries. In order to jump-start my education, I enrolled in the Institute of Culinary Education's Fine Cooking I course where I learned the basics, from roasting to boiling to mousse-making (ok, maybe not that basic)! I've attempted to replicate some recipes - somewhat successfully- and create a few of my own. This blog is for friends and foodies and is intended to document my cooking adventures (and occasional fiascoes). Enjoy the pictures and bon appetite!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How to Make Mayo

Although it's easier to pick up a jar at the supermarket, mayonaise is not as hard as you think it is to make. All you need are three simple ingredients that you most likely already have in the house and a food processor -- or a very strong arm capable of a lot of mixing.

1 egg yolk
1 cup of canola oil
2 tbsp lemon juice

In a food processor, combine one egg yolk (which contains lecithin, a natural emulsifier, that thickens sauces and binds ingredients) with 2 tbsp of lemon juice. Add the oil in a slow, steady stream, as the ingredients continue to mix. When all the oil has been incorporated, the mayo will be light and fluffy and ready for use!

1 comment:

  1. I could KILL for a bite of that chicken curry with freshly made mayo Sandwich- YUMMMMMMYYYYYYY
