A Little About Me

New York, New York
As a newly married woman, it has become my mission in life to learn how to cook. Gone are the days of picking up sushi and ordering curries. In order to jump-start my education, I enrolled in the Institute of Culinary Education's Fine Cooking I course where I learned the basics, from roasting to boiling to mousse-making (ok, maybe not that basic)! I've attempted to replicate some recipes - somewhat successfully- and create a few of my own. This blog is for friends and foodies and is intended to document my cooking adventures (and occasional fiascoes). Enjoy the pictures and bon appetite!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mexico-Worthy Tomatillo Salsa

While I'm all about making my own guacamole, I haven't quite perfected the art of salsa making (yet). Probably the most unique item Justin taught me how to make last weekend was a tomatillo salsa. Tomatillos, aka "green tomatoes," provided a nice smoky flavor when broiled and make for a salsa just as excellent as my husband and I had on our Mexican mini-honeymoon!

about 15 Tomatillos
4 garlic cloves
2 jalapenos, tops removed
1 white onion, quartered
1 bunch cilantro
juice of 2 limes
salt and pepper

Start by placing the tomatillos, garlic, jalapenos and onion in a baking dish and preheating the broiler. Place the dish in the oven.

After a few minutes, remove the dish and turn all the vegetables around. They should have begun to char.

Return to the broiler and repeat this step about three or so times until all of the vegetables have really begun to fall apart and the tomatillos begin breaking down.

Pour everything, including all the juices, into a food processor and add the cilantro, salt, pepper and lime juice. I would start with the juice of one lime then add more as you go to make sure the salsa is balanced and not too acidic.

Pulse everything together and serve! I used the tomatillo salsa verde on a shrimp taco.....recipe to come!

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